5 of the Best Wedding Vows for Him: Get Inspired by These Beautiful Words

wedding vows for him

If you are looking for some inspiration and guidance on how to write wedding vows for him, you have come to the right place. In this article, we have compiled some of the best wedding vow examples from grooms who have said their “I do”s in different styles, tones, and situations. Whether you want to be romantic, funny, sincere, or creative, you will find something that suits your personality and relationship.

These wedding vow examples are not meant to be copied word for word, but rather to spark your ideas and emotions. You can use them as a starting point, a reference, or a source of inspiration. The most important thing is to make your wedding vows your own and to speak from your heart.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the best wedding vow examples for him. Get ready to be inspired by these beautiful words!

Related Article: 7 Unique & Beautiful Wedding Vows for Her

What are Some Good Wedding Vows For Him?

There is no one right way to write wedding vows but to craft truly moving vows tap into your unique bond. But for inspiration, here are some heartfelt ideas for wedding vows for him:

Promise unwavering love: Vow to cherish your partner in every facet, through joyous highs and quiet moments, in sickness and health.

Embrace vulnerability: Share a personal story of how they’ve changed you, highlighting their impact on your life.

Celebrate partnership: Pledge to be their teammate, their champion, and their confidant, walking alongside them in every adventure.

Express humor and playfulness: Weave in a shared inside joke or a quirky memory, reminding everyone of your connection’s depth and joy.

Keep it genuine: Speak from the heart, using your own words and emotions. Vows are most powerful when they’re authentically you.

Remember, the best vows are those that resonate with your love story and make your partner feel cherished. Embrace your voice, and your feelings will shine through beautifully.

Venue: Braeside Estate, Gold Coast
Cover Photo: Everlast Studios

wedding vows
Finding the Write Words on Etsy

Need a professional to help you with your vows?

Wedding vows are some of the most sacred words shared between two people, so it only makes sense that this can cause stress and worry when you don’t know where to start.

I found a 5 star shop on Etsy that can help you create the most perfect vows. Click the photo or link below and reach out to Nicole.

Finding the Write Words

Personal & Sentimental Men’s Wedding Vows

“Alysia it was 2013 but it feels like only yesterday when a beautiful tall young lady took my breath away. Who would have guessed back then that we would be standing where we are today?

“You swept me off my feet. Encouraged me, supported me, and shaped me into the better man who stands before you.

“In a matter of seven years we have seen the world, made memories friendships, and a trusting bond that will last a lifetime. I can only imagine what we can achieve in the years to come.

“It’s the small things about you that make you shine so brightly. I would say your smile is something I would wake up to a million times but we both know it’s the fuzzy hair, grumpy Alysia that truly shines when I’m pulling you out of bed in the morning. I promise to always be there for you. I’ll trust you and care for you but most of all I will always love you.”

Related Article: Creative Ways to Turn Your Wedding Vows into Beautiful Keepsakes

Romantic Wedding Vows

“Every day I fall in love with your sense of humor, your strength, your style, your sense of adventure, and your ability to make those around you feel special and loved. Your kindness knows no bounds and you inspire me every day.”

“In every reincarnation, in every world, in every galaxy in a million lifetimes, I would choose you. You are my universe.”

Cover photo by Ben & Hope Photography

Wedding Vows for Him That Will Make You Cry

“Katie never did I imagine finding someone as special as you. You are in every aspect of life my perfect match. The enjoyment and comfort I get from being in your company, there are just no words to describe it.”

“You are kindhearted and selfless in everything you do with each passing day my love for you only grows stronger.”

“Everything about you I love. When you’re laughing so hard you can’t breathe. When your face is covered in Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. When you’re singing an ABBA song at the top of your lungs. When you’re passionately quoting a corny B Love movie to me or when you’re falling asleep at the movies. You always look beautiful today and every day for the rest of my life as your husband I promise to always be by your side your partner in crime for this roller coaster called life.”

Venue: Austinvilla Estate

Funny Wedding Vows For Him

When your wife-to-be is a lawyer it can make for some creative material to write your wedding vows as a groom. Luca’s promises to Joyce have the perfect mix of humor and wit but he also treads carefully, knowing that his words will be scrutinized by his legal-minded partner.

“With your exceptional law background, I have soon come to accept that to put up any reasonable case of defense on any potential future argument. I will need to hold solid substantial evidence with the appropriate key references of any verbal agreement I refer to paragraph B subsection one of section 15 of the Human Rights Act.”

“I promise to look at you the same way as when I am opening up a new Magic card booster pack and finding a sought-after shiny rare. I promise to continue cutting your fruits in the morning just the way you like them. No pips, no stems just to help start your day right.”

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