What Makes a Great Groom Speech? Watch These 3 Video Examples and Find Out

groom speech

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for a perfect groom speech, but there are some common elements that you can use to craft your own. In this article, we will show you three video examples of groom speeches from real weddings that we have filmed.

You will see how each groom used different techniques, styles, and stories to deliver a captivating and heartfelt speech.

Whether you are looking for inspiration, guidance, or just some entertainment, these video examples will help you understand what makes a great groom speech. Watch them and find out!

Best Groom Wedding Speech Ever?

Trent had one of THE most amazing wedding speeches I’ve ever heard by a groom. From his brilliant opening line to his final toast to his wife, Louisa, this speech had it all. He started with a witty remark that broke the ice and set the tone for his heartfelt words.

He then shared some hilarious anecdotes about how he met and fell in love with Louisa, his beautiful bride. Trent expressed his gratitude to both families for their support and love, especially to his parents who taught him how to be a good man. He also recalled some of the memorable moments of their relationship and how he was certain that Louisa was the one for him.

He ended his speech with a romantic toast to his wife, declaring his eternal devotion and happiness.

“They say to love someone deeply gives you strength but being loved by someone deeply gives you courage. Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve never felt as strong nor as courageous as I feel at this moment and that is thanks to only one person: my life, my wife Louisa.”

Venue: Kooroomba Vineyards & Lavender Farm

What should a groom say in his speech?

If you’re looking for a great example of a groom speech this is it. Luke touches on many things that make up the ideal groom speech. Including thanking everyone for attending, showing appreciation for those who travelled from far and wide, and of course reminiscing about his journey so far with Taela.

One touching moment is when he recalls when Taela received an amazing opportunity to study ballet overseas. Luke didn’t hesitate and moved from Australia to Europe to be with the love of his life.

“I’m generally quite calculated about the big things in life especially things like my career and living conditions but in this instance, and when it came to love, I didn’t even blink. For some reason, and I cannot explain it, I knew that that was exactly where I was supposed to be.”

“Taking a leap of faith, and moving to Europe who I can now call the love of my life, was honestly the best decision I ever made.”

He also had a quote from Dr Seuss that everyone enjoyed:

“We are all a little weird and sometimes Life’s a little weird and when we find someone who matches our level of weirdness and that is compatible with our level of weirdness we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

What is a Short Groom Speech Example?

Watch how Mitch delivered a short and sweet groom speech at his wedding reception in under two minutes. Even though Mitch was timid and admitted he was no expert at public speaking, he charmed the crowd and Zoe with his clever icebreaker, his sincere thank yous, and his tender expression of love for his bride.

“Zoe from the moment I first glimpsed you striding furiously around the factory, the velocity of your ponytail back and forth motion serves as an unmistakable gauge of your determination and furiousness I thought to myself this is the Sheila for me.”

Other FAQs about the Groom Speech

The groom’s speech usually concludes with a tribute to his beautiful bride. By toasting his wife, the groom shows his appreciation, affection, and respect for his new partner.

He might also tell a tale or a joke about their journey as a couple, and conclude with a toast to their happiness. But there is no set formula for a groom’s speech, and he can make it his own based on his style and taste. The key is to be genuine and heartfelt and create a lasting impression.

The final toast of the groom’s speech is usually a heartfelt expression of love and gratitude to the bride, followed by an invitation for the guests to join in celebrating the newlyweds. There are different ways to end a groom’s speech, but the most important thing is to be sincere and personal. Here are some examples of how to end a groom’s speech with a toast:

  • “I can’t imagine my life without you, my beautiful wife. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and my everything. I promise to cherish you, support you, and love you always. Please raise your glasses and toast to the love of my life. To my wife!”
  • “You have been my dream come true, and I can’t wait to start our journey together as husband and wife. You are the most beautiful, smart, and kind woman I have ever known, and I am so proud to be your husband. Let’s toast to our future, filled with happiness and adventure. To my wife!”
  • “You are the reason I smile every day and the reason I feel so alive. You are my partner in crime, my rock, and my soulmate. You have given me more than I ever hoped for, and I can’t thank you enough. I love you more than words can say. Let’s raise our glasses and toast to the most wonderful woman in the world. To my wife!”

Most couples prefer to have the groom’s speech as the final speech of the wedding reception, for various reasons. Here are some possible benefits of having the groom’s speech last:

  • It gives the groom more time to prepare and rehearse his speech, as he doesn’t have to worry about going first or second.
  • It allows the groom to respond to any jokes or stories that the previous speakers may have made, and to add his humor and personality to the speech.
  • It creates a sense of anticipation and excitement among the guests, as they wait to hear what the groom has to say.
  • It leaves a lasting impression on the guests, as the groom’s speech is the last thing they hear before the party starts.
  • It shows the groom’s respect and appreciation for his new wife, as he dedicates the final speech to her and their marriage.

Alternatively, you may want to have the groom’s speech before the others. The best way to decide is to pick the time that matches your personality and taste.

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